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36 Month On-Site Warranty Nationwide - All Parts & Labor ($395 Value)



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Within 72 hours of your purchase, JTF assigns an authorized service partner  to your account. Your service calls are processed and dispatched to the pre-assigned local service provider in just minutes after they are received, thus minimizing your downtime. All service partners are authorized, factory trained and 100% endorsed by jtfbus Network Partners, with over 1200 service dealers nationwide*. As part of the team, our partners provide maintenance programs designed to meet our customers needs


  • Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority
  • Our partners are authorized service dealers
  • Guaranteed less than 6 hours response time
  • If your offices are located more than 40 miles outside the city zone, please call and verify onsite service availability before placing your order online.
Priority Warranty Protection   Same day on-site service includes all parts & labor 
Service Dealers   jtfbus service network partners
6 Hours Response Time   Guaranteed or we extend your protection for another 30 days
No Lemon Guarantee   Replaced if repaired for the same problem twice within the first 30 days
36 Month Warranty  

This Warranty covers all defective parts & labor for a period of 36 months from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover any parts due to normal wear & tear.

Supply Warranty   All supplies including toner, developer, drum & fuser unit are covered under Manufacturer Warranty for 30 days. All supplies must be purchased from JTF during the 36 Month Warranty period.



What puts JTF out in front of the Competition? Our people.

Since 1987 JTF has been committed to provide great service and support after the sale. At JTF, "you come first and everything else falls into place behind satisfying your needs." You can depend on us to respond quickly to all your needs.