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Formax Atlas-AS Air-Feed Document Folder



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Formax Atlas-AS Air-Feed Document Folder



The ATLAS-AS Air-Feed Document Folder is very sturdy with a small foot print that can fold up to 27,500 pages per hour. Atlas-AS comes with unlimited job memory with variable speed control so you don’t get a ticket by going too fast. The best thing is that it comes with 7” touch screen that sets this baby apart from the rest. On the Atlas-AS Folding Machine you can select fold plate position with LED displays accurate to 0.1mm. With the power of the air suction on the Formax Atlas-AS Folder you can use a wide variety of Coated and non-coated papers up to 26.5” in length which can align it before folding.


You also never have to worry about the curled or static because it prevent that through it’s suction chamber. With the rugged compact design that also has the belt-driven outfeed stacker located on the same side as the infeed, allows you to operate easily from a single position. The Atlas-AS Air-Feed Folder is the best solution for people with big jobs in linited spaces. The main difference between the Atlas and Atlas-AS is the Atlas-AS has automatic setting vs. manual for Atlas.