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Paper joggers are specifically designed to help you save time in assembling and making your tough job easier by rapidly squaring-up messy stacks of paper. All you need to do is, simply place all the papers in the machine and rest you can leave up to the paper jogger. It is highly recommended and welcomed by print shops and production houses, as Paper Jogger helps in jogging sheets up to 12” x 18” simply using air and flexible vibration speed or also using a perfect combination of both. Jogging helps in aligning and drying the unorganized stacks of printed sheets in just a single step. Paper Jogger is truly the easiest way to assemble a huge number of papers systematically within a simple step. We have guaranteed low prices on all our range available in different sizes and configurations. You can pick one as per your convenience. Order your paper jogger today!



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      Martin Yale 4200 Jog